Marta Zapparoli (Germany/Italy)

Sonata Per Eterna



- 22:30

Marta Zapparoli belongss to a rare breed of experimental musicians, who approach the medium from a highly emotional, personal and loaded place (one can maybe think of Nurse With Wound as a familiar example). For many years she has worked with yield recordings and tapes, but since 2014 she has been focusing on electromagnetic radiation with her own array of antennas. Her main raw material has since become the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., radio waves and ELF waves) whose signals come from the atmosphere and the universe.
In Musrarasonics she will perform Sonata Per Eterna, a Composition for electromagnetic radiations, which was released in 2020 by Glistening Examples. In the show, Zapparoli will perform the piece in real time using a tape recorder, cassette tape, and meteorite.
Here is what Marta has to say about Sonata Per Eterna:
“Sonata Per Eterna is a deep sentimental work, in which the meaning of some combinations of words are connected to selected electromagnetic radiation signals from outer space (pulsar stars, meteor), VLF (Natural Radio phenomena), morse code, air communication, naval communication, and VHF. This piece is inspired by my personal romantic idea, which also feeds on scientific notions, about the journey of the soul after death to perpetual motion in the universe.

The signal of the soul, thought as a pure energy form, leaves the body and reaches the outer space passing across cosmic storms, planets, pulsar stars, black holes, intergalactic dust, stellar winds to enter in the Krasnikov tube: a distortion of space-time that can be intentionally created in the wake of travel close to the speed of light. Through it, the soul will be able to reach the final destination discovering “Eternal” in another universe. A piece of meteor comes back to earth as a symbol-messenger, bringing with it the secret of a new beginning of life.
Sonata Per Eterna is dedicated to my father Giuseppe Zapparoli, who was a self-taught poet, singer-songwriter, composer, and musician”.

Marta Zapparoli’s participation is made possible with support of Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Tel Aviv

The Panther Hall, Canada House, 22 Shivtei Israel St.