The Toy Orchestra is a unique project, the brainchild of composer Igor Krutogolov – a multi-instrumentalist phenomenon and one of the prominent figures in the Israeli avant-garde scene – who has set out to bring together the two meanings of the word “Play”. The orchestra members play rich, deep and emotional pieces using only various toy instruments – from plastic guitars, through a toy clarinet to a set of drums for toddlers. With these unique instruments, the orchestra produce sounds that are far from childish, creating innovative and complex arrangements of songs from any genre you can think of – from window-rattling rock, through traditional folk and romantic tango, to jazz classics and gargantuan metal pieces.
The Band:
Toy Guitars, Toy Singing, Toy Noises, Toy Composer- Igor Krutogolov
Toy Drums- Roy Chen
Toy Keyboards- Neal Kalman
Toy Clarinet, Toy Trumpet- Cernea Mihai
Toy Clarinet- Naomi Rosin
Toy Clarinet- Amir Buksbaum
Toy Clarinet- Victor Levin
Toy Clarinet- Yana Miri Levin
Toy Glockenspiel, Toy Xylophone, Toy Pig- Niv Majar
Toy Singing- Mia Beatrice Gerol
Toy Singing- Yam Umi
Sound- Nitzan Levi
lighting – Omer Sheizaf
Photo: Igor Krutogolov
Produced by Musrara school and Organuz studio