Musrara Choir

Musrara Choir

Karnaf Hall, Canada House, 22 shivtei Israel St.


- 23:00

The original Musrara choir returns to another round of bold works in an epic performance. The choir members invite you to remove your tie and devote yourself to a total, internal, multicultural experience in search of the true voice. Collective adaptations to a medley of self-defense songs and aggressive flirtations with the demons of the past. Swear that you truly love us and come be moved by us. We will update the works of Eli Orian.

Choir members: Ellie Orian, Bar Alteras, Ariel Altaratz, Lola Almog, Aya Gavriel, Yuval Gotlib, , Omri Depicciotto, Bar Zaken, Daniel Treystman, Lea Yefet, Alon Yarkoni, Itamar Cohen, Yarden Levi-Ellentuck, Ehud Lax, Hila Abahel, Bar Eran, Itay Fitussi, Tom Perl, Sharon Kasper,

Ron Sheskin, Itay Tirosh

Instructor: Tomer Damsky